This document specifies a proposed standard interface between operating system events and web components (including web servers, web applications, and frameworks), to promote web component interoperability and portability.
Rationale and Goals
The Python community has produced many useful web application frameworks, including Django, Pylons, Turbogears, Zope, CherryPy, Paste, and many more [1]. Recently, many of these frameworks have attempted to decentralize their architectures and become more component-based, specifically using the WSGI specification [2] to decouple servers from applications, and even framework components from each other.
Python社区已经产出了许多很有用的web应用框架,例如 Django, Pylons, Turbogears, Zope, CherrPy, Paste等等.最近,许多这些框架已经试图使它们的结构分散化,从而变得更基于组件(组件化).特别使用WSGI规范去使"服务"从程序脱离,甚至是框架组件之间的脱离.
In general, however, each of these frameworks' and servers' natural assumption is that it alone must be in control of the OS process, generating and responding to process-wide events: startup, shutdown, and restart. As various people have tried to combine components from multiple frameworks, they generally select one framework or server as the primary process controller, and then write ad-hoc adapters to translate the startup/shutdown style of foreign components into the style of the primary controller. In many cases, this adaptation has simply not been possible when frameworks or servers are too tightly coupled to process-wide events; for example, when two frameworks register signal handlers for the same process.
但是一般来说, 这些框架和服务原本(自然)假设是必须由一个单独的系统进程来控制.产生和响应进程事件:启动,关闭和重启.当一些人已经尝试将不同框架的一些组件进行组合时, 他们一般都会选择一个框架或者服务作为主进程控制器.然后,编写特设的适配器将外来组件风格的启动/关闭事件翻译转换成主控制器的风格.很多情况下, 这个适配器